Dr. Larsson Apps

Personality Test 1.1
Dr. Larsson
Discover your current style ofcommunicationwith this personality test. The test is based onJung,Myers-Briggs, Keirsey a.o., and analyses the cognitivefunctionsand orientations you use in your present style ofcommunication.This is neither an IQ test nor is it modeled to tell you whoyou"really" are. The result of this test aims to underscorethetypological features of the way you communicate.The test consists of 36 assorted questions that takefamiliar,unfamiliar and formal circumstances of communication intoaccount,which makes this particular test well suited for personalas wellas professional purposes.When answering the questions you should choose theresponseoption that agrees the most with your experiences. Thereare noright or wrong answers since all styles of communicationhavestrengths, weaknesses and potential for development - sochooseeven when in doubt.The format intentionally requires a response to each questioninorder to advance to the next question. It furthermore precludesareturn to previous questions and a choice cannot be altered,butyou can easily recommence by pressing ‘Exit’ twice.The“conservative” design is meant to promote a disinterested,say“objective”, response, as is the at times “wooden” phrasing.Finally, upon answering the last question the ‘Result’buttonwill be activated, enabling you to proceed to the‘Scorecard’screen with your results, and a clickable description of‘YourProfile’. Enjoy!